Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Shock the Monkey

I think that Cinnamon Toast Crunch may quite possibly be the most addictive food I have ever eaten. No matter what I've already eaten or how full I think I am, there is always room for one more bowl. Something about the sugary sweetness and the crunch. However, I can't help but notice the downsizing of the baker's positions. I distinctly remember there being three bakers for the cereal when I was a child. What happened to them? Did Wendall eat them? Was there a gang war between them and the Rice Krispies elves? Bears? Inquiring minds want to know.


Unknown said...

I really like a ice cold fountain soda...and sun chips...i really like sunchips...

Super Doom Monkey said...

Fountain soda is very tasty, but it always goes flat too soon for me. And I have to be in the right mindset for Sun Chips.

Anonymous said...

Fountain pop is the best. Especially the fountain Red Pop they used to have at Adobe. GLORIOUS.

Super Doom Monkey said...

When the hell did they have Red Pop at Adobe? Course, I never really liked Adobe.

Anonymous said...

When we were in college and for a time after. Seriously. Go there right now and see if they still have it, if they still do, I will BRB GR so quick your head will spin.

Super Doom Monkey said...

I will check it out.